
From elementary schools to college institutions, Harvey Cleary’s educational portfolio is first in its class.

Shaping minds & communities

In many neighborhoods, the school is the community. Even at the university level, educational facilities today are fulfilling more and more diverse needs for learners and the public alike. Harvey Cleary understands that a successful educational project is impossible without strong community involvement.

If schools today seem more like commercial campuses, it’s by design. With flexible and open layouts, K-12 and higher education facilities are now better able to foster collaboration and innovation; hallmarks of student-centered learning.

long-term focus

Education projects are often long in the making due to capital fundraising campaigns. Before project budgeting even begins, our focus is on determining long-term goals. Working alongside the design team, we facilitate active listening sessions with administrators, users and community stakeholders. We consider this preplanning the most critical part of every project because it guides a future that may be built over decades.

Talk to our experts

With more than six decades under our belts, we know how to deliver your vision.